One Nugget To Go

The Offical Fan Site for Halle Ruth

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

New Things I Do Now That I Am 8 Months Old!

I can't believe I am 8 months old already!! It seems like the big "1" is just around the corner!!!

At the beginning of this month, I achieved my second tooth! Now I have both of my two front bottom teeth. This month I also started holding and drinking from a cup. Mama still has to hold it for me if I want to really drink. Otherwise, I just chew on the lid! A big highlight of this month is that I finally seemed to master sitting up!! I enjoy playing in a seated position much more than I used to, but still prefer to lay or stand. But my favorite thing of all is jumping in my Johnny jump up!!! Mom and dad can't believe how crazy I am about it. Even when they stand me on their laps, I am always jumping. Another thing mommy and daddy were really excited about this month, is that I started waving. I am really fascinated with how my hand opens and closes and do it often. I have even started waving my whole arm when I get the urge. I don't think I know what it means, but mom and dad seem to get a kick out of it!

Some "not-so-fun" highlights of this month: my first ear infection; my first cold; getting blood drawn at the hospital to test for Lupus.


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