One Nugget To Go

The Offical Fan Site for Halle Ruth

Friday, March 24, 2006

Nine Months Old

Here are some highlites:

I don't crawl yet, but have really been working on it. For some reason, I just keep going backwards! Mama says I need to learn how to "put it in drive", whatever that means! Anyway, I get up on my hands and knees a lot, rocking back and forth. I move around a lot more in my bed too! This month was the first time mom and dad have come in to check on me and found me asleep on my tummy! They, of course, flipped me over to my back, which I didn't seem to mind. So anyway, sometimes I sleep on my side and sometimes I flip myself around the complete other direction in my bed. It is not uncommon for me to be asleep in my bed with my feet sticking through the rails. I like to do this and think it's funny.

Another fun game I enjoy, is when daddy holds my hands and lets me pull myself up to standing. I can do this for hours! He is trying to help me learn how to pull up to furniture, which mama thinks is a recipe for trouble!

I am talking a lot now and enjoy babbling to myself in bed, or mimicking mom and dad. I am really starting to try and communicate, which is fun for mom and dad. My most common words/sounds are still Mama and Dada, but I have added some Ba Ba's and Ga Ga's in there, just to mix it up a bit! I can also growl, but be careful because when I do it I am really scary!!!

I still LOVE to be in my Johnny Jump Up and, if you stand me up on your lap, I am probably going to jump! It's so much fun. Mom says I should have calves of steel by the time I grow out of it!

I have gotten a lot better at being able to pick objects up from the floor, and I have definitely started to understand cause and effect. If I drop something, I immediately look for it. I can also object if you TAKE something from me now!

My blankey has become one of my favorite things. I like to hold it while playing, eating, sitting, laying, riding and sleeping! I don't really enjoy sleeping with stuffed animals yet.

I hold my cupp with both hands now, like a big girl. And sometimes I actually drink out of it! Mostly, I like to chew on the rubber rim though. It feels really good on my gums! This month I decided I don't like avocado anymore. Mom discovered this when I spit it back her. She figured that was a pretty clear indication! Hard boiled egg yolks were added to my menu this month. Ya gotta love protein! Mom has also been experimenting a little with my schedule of eating solids this month. Now my schedule is: 1st Feeding- 7ounces milk;fruit;cereal 2nd Feeding-6ounces milk;vegetable 3rd Feeding-6ounces milk 4th Feeding-6ounces milk;vegetable;fruit. I still like to try and grab the bowl or the spoon when I am eating, so mom is really working on this "No" thing. I have no idea what she means by it, but she seems to take it pretty seriously!


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